Daily Archives: December 11, 2023

Though tea may not provide quite as much hydration as water, it can still provide you with your daily fluid requirements. As long as you don’t overdo the caffeine intake and replace any lost fluids through urination, tea can still serve as an effective hydration alternative – particularly herbal varieties which tend to be caffeine-free and more hydrating than its black or green counterparts. However, when drinking herbal tea it’s important to keep several things in mind. Some teas contain added sugar or cream which could cause you to lose more fluid through urination than usual; and different herbal teas contain different levels of caffeine which will impact hydration differently – if caffeine affects you negatively try sipping without extra additives or reduce how often you drink your cup of tea. Caffeine can have a diuretic effect, prompting more frequent urination. While this may result in lost fluids over time,…

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Fashionable clothing worn today includes any item designed with style in mind, often using fabric and cut to achieve this unique aesthetic. Fashion is constantly changing with trends resurfacing from years past; fashion can even help people express themselves by using clothes to convey how they feel to others. Fashion is more than a style though; it’s an expression of self expression through clothing – showing others your true self! Garments generally fall into three broad categories: upper body, lower body and accessories. Popular garments for both men and women include shirts, jackets, skirts/trousers/dresses. Since 1920s shirts have been an essential piece in casual and evening wear – they come in an array of colours, patterns and fabrics suitable for any occasion or occasion – which have made shirts one of the world’s most versatile garments. Jackets are another common clothing item seen both on the runway and high street,…

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Clothing industry employees millions worldwide, from farmers producing cotton and other fabrics to garment makers in factories. Unfortunately, fast fashion is having an enormously negative effect on these workers; production often occurs in countries with lax labor laws or workplace regulations which lead to poor working conditions for employees as well as their exploitation. Furthermore, fast fashion contributes significantly to textile waste pollution which puts additional pressure on our environment. At its core, fashion industry is unsustainable and it’s time for consumers to accept some hard truths. An average woman purchases an estimated 68 pieces of clothing annually from fast fashion stores; many consumers purchase fast fashion because it is affordable, trendy, and offers dopamine hits; consumers have become obsessed with keeping up with current styles and trends; in fact, some might say clothing may even define us more than our identities themselves! But that doesn’t mean neglecting appearances! Garment…

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Garment construction is an essential element of fashion designing, serving an essential function in translating designs on paper into finished garments. It involves all the steps involved in sewing a piece of cloth into something beautiful and functional that meets a wearer’s needs and requirements – including stitching, fabric hemming, darts and pleats among many others. Garment construction requires time, energy and dedication. However, its effects can have lasting ramifications on product quality, fit, fitness, comfort levels of the final garment produced. Garments and clothing play an integral role in meeting our three basic human needs – social, emotional and physical. Clothes allow us to express ourselves freely while creating an identity of sorts, building self-esteem and confidence and protecting us from external elements. Thus they have become an indispensable part of daily life and a great form of art requiring in-depth sewing knowledge in order to turn designs onto…

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